Dr. Uzma Saeed Waseem Profile 2

Dr. Uzma Saeed Waseem has a good teaching experience. She has been a bright and first class student of A.M.U. throughout her education from high school to M.F.A. she also won a merit scholarship in her M.F.A. and also done PG diploma in commercial art with first division. She got her Ph.D. degree also from Aligarh Muslim University on the topic: Art of Calligraphy in India (a case study of Arabic and Persian) She is having a lot of interest in calligraphy, that is why she has published two research papers. on the same topic. Her field of interest is calligraphy and landscape painting. She is also taken classes of commercial art in centre for skill development and career planning (CPC) in A>M.U. She is an Editorial Board Member in an online international Journal ‘IJASRET’ ISSN (online): 2456-0774 She is working as a freelance artist and did many commissioned artworks. Presently she is working in Jamia Urdu College of Education as an Assistant Professor.